Contract Assistant Blog
What Are Contract Management Best Practices?
Looking for Contract Management Best Practices? Let’s face it. No matter what your industry, agreements are the energy source that power business. Agreements govern all facets of a business. Everything from employees coming to work and performing their job to suppliers agreeing to deliver goods and services on a certain date for an agreed upon […]
How To Manage Your Contracts with Contract Management Software
Let Me Ask you a question. Be honest … How would you describe your contract management system? • Disorganized? • Outdated? • Understaffed? • Manual and inefficient? • Non-existent? Well if you said anything other than, “A streamlined, automated machine…” You’ve come to the right place. Assuming you have a contract management system, it’s likely […]
How To Improve Your Contract Management in 4 Easy Steps
Quick: What’s the fastest and easiest way to improve your company’s profitability by 9%? According to research by the independent International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM), the answer is to improve your contract management. So what is contract management and how do you improve it? It’s been defined as “ The process […]
Source: Value of contracts falling worldwide
At what point does an “interesting trend” become “the new normal?” That’s the question raised by the most recent ISG Outsourcing Index, a quarterly report issued by advisory services firm Information Services Group (ISG). The index tracks the number, type and value of contracts worth more than $5 million worldwide. In its most recent report […]
What does agile contracting mean?
It’s not every day you see the word “agile” in the modern business sense connected to the topic of contract management. That’s why this recent post on the website for staffing and consulting company, Eliassen Group, caught our attention: Utilizing Agile in the World of Contract Management. In the post, Rob Annis, senior agile coach […]
Using calendars? You’re doing contract management wrong
Ever on the lookout for facts supporting the need for contract management (and, yes, CM solutions), we found this recent post by Brodies LLP, “Scotland’s largest law firm.” In a survey of 138 businesses across Scotland yielded the following findings: 22% said they had no system to manage contracts with suppliers or customers. Of the […]
Three ways the Internet of Things may affect contracts
Is opportunity in the Internet of Things (IoT) as real as people say it is? Let’s just say when it comes to predictions about future technology trends, a grain of salt should be a part of your diet. Take for instance the figure mentioned in a recent DHL and Cisco report on the IoT potential […]
Expert tip: Use contract reviews to refine, not rewrite contracts
If you are working with a client or vendor, you probably know that over the course of just a year or two, contract terms big and small can change. Ironically, sometimes it’s the small changes that can trip you up the most. I recall working on a project for a client with a fulfillment component, […]
Need help? Our real employees will help with your trial or demo
We all know the drill. You show some interest in some software on the web, and then you get a call out of the blue: “Hey, I see you’re interested in our software!” It’s not a surprise these days, but you definitely get the feeling that you’re the target for a sale. That’s not such […]
Five key reasons contract renewal rates are falling
Here’s a sobering statistic. According to the advisory services company Information Services Group (ISG), “incumbent” or existing outsourcing IT service providers are losing existing clients at a faster clip than just five years ago. According to ISG, five years ago these incumbents could count on 80% of their contracts getting renewed – but these days […]